Angelic reiki is a type of energy healing that can be used as a spiritual practice for guidance, emotional healing and change. The treatment itself is a practice which calls in guidance from ‘beings of light’ which are also referred to as angels, archangels or angelic beings, which are knows as carrying high vibrational energies. This sort of healing is perfect to explore during this new seasons of spring to kick-start a new month. Using angelic reiki can be a great way to find comfort during difficult times and the Welsh Witch herself is a keen receiver of angelic reiki treatments and enjoys the spiritual healing powers it provides as well as the self-care practice of taking time for herself. Let’s look a little more into the practice itself and how you could implement it this month.

How has Welsh Witch Jade used angelic reiki?

While this treatment is a fairly recent discovery for Jade, the past few years have been given an extra emotional depth and clarity after discovering angelic reiki. Trying to navigate a post-Covid world meant that Jade sometimes felt out of sorts and a bit all over the place. Believing in everything comes to us when we need it most, Jade was offered some angelic reiki by a friend during a time when she was seeking mental clarity. This treatment came to change Jade’s life in ways that still ripple through her experiences today. The angelic reiki itself works deeply and intuitively with the soul, meaning it can have impacts on all aspects of life, causing you to perceive things differently, with an increased amount of empathy and understanding.

That being said, being empathic can often have its downsides, which is why it’s important to protect yourself from negative energy* to prevent yourself from being drained energetically. Jade often notes that while being extremely empathic is sometimes a superpower and helps to connect with others on a deeper level, sometimes it can leave you feeling tired. This is especially the case if you end up surrounded by negativity or energy that just feels ‘off’ for too long. Another thing angelic reiki develops within the receiver is a greater self-awareness of your place in the world, how you can affect and uplift others and how divine your existence is. This leads to greater feelings of calm, acceptance to go with the flow, and reduced levels of anger.

Using angelic reiki for healing low mood and giving you mental clarity

Sometimes life just gets us down, terrible things happen and it leaves us feeling depleted, empty and emotional. Though, this is an important part of the spectrum of emotion; without expressing sadness, anger or fear, it could lead to a build-up of confusing emotions, so it’s important to let yourself feel those emotions instead of ignoring them. While emotions shouldn’t be seen as negative or positive (they are all healthy emotions to feel!), it can sometimes impact your quality of life if you feel that your mood is consistently low or you feel as though you are in a bad place. There are many ways that you could help to improve these feelings, and talking to a professional or someone you trust is a good place to start. If you’re looking for some alternatives, or are a believer in spiritual practices, angelic reiki may be worth a try. The best way to try out angelic reiki is to visit a qualified practitioner, who has trained professionally in Reiki healing. If you’re not sure, a great way that Jade likes to enjoy angelic reiki is a short session at the end of a massage or other body treatment that many spiritual and holistic therapists offer; this is a lovely way to end a session with some deep-level healing and personal mindset shifting.

Similarly, there are ways you can implement little rituals into your day to honour and bring in the energies of angelic reiki. A lot of angelic healing involves the act of calling on angels to help with your concerns and worries; if this feels a little strange to you, perhaps you can start by finding your own angels in your own life to start with. Perhaps call on a friend to ask for a chat if you find yourself worried or stressed over a situation – it doesn’t matter how big or small; this first step of asking for help is a great place to start. The invitation of reaching out signals to your brain that it is safe to ask for help, you are accepting of new guidance and support from spiritual (or real life!) angels, who may show up in ways you weren’t expecting. Ultimately, giving out the frequency to the universe that you are ready to receive love, help and guidance is the first step to the angelic reiki journey. We delve deeper into manifesting and setting intentions on our Welsh Witch blog, so if you feel called to learn more feel free to check out our other posts.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x