Using Angelic Reiki to Help Make the Most of Spring

Angelic reiki is a type of energy healing that can be used as a spiritual…

Welsh Witch’s Beltane Birthday Celebrations

It’s time for a celebration; it’s our Welsh Witch’s birthday! A Beltane baby…

The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year and the importance it plays in the magic of Welsh Witch…

Setting Intentions For the Start of Spring

Setting Intentions For the Start of Spring With this beautiful time of spring…

Spring Equinox & Ostara

The Spring Equinox & Ostara: Things to Prepare and Look Forward To As we…

Lunar energy, moon water and charging crystals

With the rise of popularity in crystals, manifestation and moon cycles, it can…

Welsh Witch’s guide to cocktails this festive season

Christmas time means party season and no party is complete without that perfect…

How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

Sometimes life is hard enough, without having to deal with negative energy,…

What makes Welsh Witch Craft Spirits different?

Welsh Witch’s award-winning distillery Wild Moon is a family run business which…

Samhain Spirits - Guest Blog

Author: Lizzie Burgess Hi lovelies! I'm honoured to be back again to talk about…